Philippines Tour Follow Up

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It was an amazing trip and we’re so grateful for all your prayers and support. We wanted to share some of the hi-lights with you guys…..

We were amazed at how powerfully God is already moving through the Shut Up book and the Philippine edition isn’t even published yet! Derek Ross, the ministry leader who hosted us did an outstanding job setting up TV shows and radio shows. It was a blast:) Corey and I did the TV 5 show together (it’s like NBC and is nationwide) and here is a short clip…

We did two radio shows (each lasting 2 hours) with callers from all over the world. People called in from Singapore, Australia, Canada, Germany. It was amazing. The radio shows we did reach over 5 million listeners worldwide. We talked about the worldwide problem of teen suicide and depression (like the CDC, the World Health Organization reports teen suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among teens and young adults.)

I spoke at a Mental Health Forum where psychologists, psychiatrists and leaders of the Philippines department of mental health attended. Corey also shared her testimony of personally understanding depression and how many teens in her generation stay silent instead of reaching for help. Afterwards, we talked with these leaders and I signed books for each one. These are critical contacts because we will gather their statistics, stories and resources for the Philippine edition of Shut Up.
Philippines Mental Health Forum Corey Speaking Pic

One major hi-light was visiting one of the poorest hospitals in Manila. It was pretty intense, where the poorest people come for care and the ERs are lined up with beds of very sick and wounded people. Not much bothers me, but I could barely stand to be in some rooms, but Corey loved every minute. She spent hours seeing patients with the doctor there and praying with people. God might be calling her as a medical doctor to the mission field as some folks have sensed long ago. Hmmm…

Vince Daubenspeck was truly invaluable on this trip. As a published author on our Board, he understands the business side of publishing and having him there was a huge gift to Corey and me. We are excited for the next steps in publishing the “Shut Up” Philippines Version of the book in 2018.

Blessings and love,
