Just Breathe

struggling to be loved just breathe

Do you ever hear a song for the first time and feel like the lyrics are telling your story, or saying it better than you could?  Well that happened to me this past week.  I was listening to a song called “Breathe” by Jonny Diaz & it’s how I feel most days. It spoke to me & I bet it speaks to many of you too.  It starts out… ”Alarm clock screaming, bare feet hit the floor.  It’s off to the races everybody out the door.  I’m feeling like I’m falling behind.  It’s a crazy life.  90 miles an hour going fast as I can.  Trying to push a little harder.  Trying to get the upper hand.  So much to do in so little time.  It’s a crazy life.  It’s ready set go.  It’s another wild days.  When the stress is on the rise in my heart I feel you say JUST BREATHE.  Come & rest at my feet.  And be just be.  Chaos calls, but all you really need is to JUST BREATHE.  I’m busy, busy, busy and it’s no surprise that I only have time for me, me, me.  There’s gotta be something more to this crazy life.  I’m hanging on tight to another wild day.  When it starts to fall apart, in my heart I hear you say, JUST BREATHE.  It’s the peace of God that overcomes.  JUST BREATHE.  So let your weary spirit rest.  Lay down what’s good and find what’s best.” This is my new favorite song.  When I am feeling, chaotic or stressed or anxious I just turn it on & hear God speaking to me to “JUST BREATHE” & feel His peace.

Is this your life right now, feeling like it’s going 90 miles an hour some days?  Are you feeling tired from school, all the studying, finals, finishing up the year, busyness, all the people telling you what you should or shouldn’t do?  Are you tired?  Are you hurried?  Are you stressed?  Do you feel the pressure of this world and all that is expected of you?   I know that even though I feel this way now, I felt it way more when I was in high school & college.  I was believing so many lies that were directing my path such as “you are never going to be good enough, but work harder, do more, be more, strive, perform, & then maybe you will feel a little better, more loveable, worthy, & valued.”  If only then I  could have known God was speaking & hear His gentle voice saying.  “Julie, JUST BREATHE & know that I am God.  It’s my peace that overcomes.”  One of my favorite verses to meditate on when I am feeling beaten down by life & completely exhausted & tired of this crazy life is in Matthew 11:28-30.  In The message it says,

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

What’s your special song that speaks to you?  It could be God speaking to you?  He is always speaking to me through music & I’m so thankful that I now know it’s Jesus!

I pray that each one of you would just come as you are to the feet of Jesus & let Him replace any lies you are believing about yourself with the truth that will set you free!