The Peace Umpire

THE PEACE UMPIRE by Maddie Reasner I don’t know about you, but when I have big decisions to make, I start with prayer. In my final year of high school, I was deciding whether to go straight into a four year university, or to go to Hillsong for Bible College, I didn’t know what to do. I spent time going …

“Let’s Be Real” ~ Living Life As An Open And Honest You…Interview with Natasha Bure

“Let’s Be Real” ~ Living Life As An Open And Honest You….Interview with Natasha Bure (Singer, model, & YouTube celebrity) I am so excited to share with you video clips from my interview with Natasha Bure who loves the “Shut Up” book and is coming out with her own book called “Let’s Be Real” on March 28th. ABOUT From singer, …


YOUR HEART THE GARDEN… WHAT PLANTS ARE YOU ALLOWING TO TAKE ROOT? Imagine your heart is a garden, what type of garden is it? Is it like my backyard… dead, overgrown weeds, pricklies, rarely taken care of, rarely watered, OR is it like a Botanical Garden… big trees, flowers in neat rows, variety, colorful, well tended to. If your heart …


SHUT DOWN NEGATIVITY BY SPEAKING UP By Maddie Reasner (College Freshman at Hillsong Bible College in Sydney, Australia) Negativity is quick to squash dreams, aspirations, and goals. Negativity wants you to stay small. Negativity is the enemy’s ploy to keep you from achieving all that God has called you to do. Negative words hold weight when you allow them to. …

Prayers for Freedom

Prayers for Freedom… Struggle with Fear? Rejection? Unforgivness? Bitterness? Jealousy? Envy? Self Hatred? Self Bitterness? So did I and there is HOPE! First giving your life to Jesus Christ is what brings you home to the heart of God. If you have never done this or have been away for a while, feel free to pray this prayer, He is …

Shut Up hits the Philippines: Beautiful Book Review

Guest Blog post by Derek Ross from True Love Waits ministry in the Philippines Shut Up – Part I The phrase “Shut Up” doesn’t sound like something very loving. So why is this blog titled with these word? Let’s begin with the idea that authentic love is hating evil and pursuing good. Romans 12:9 I know,… you’re still wondering “What …

God & our Suffering

God & our suffering This week I’ve come to understand more about God’s stance within our suffering. God hates our suffering. His original design for humanity definitely did not include suffering. But due to the fall of man that’s what has come into the world. So if God hates our suffering why doesn’t he stop it? Honestly I think that’s …

My dang GPA- Part 2 (Guest post by UCLA student)

My dang GPA – Part 2 If you haven’t yet read my post a while back on academic performance, standards, and fear, I recommed doing that first. It will make this post so much better. I wrote four weeks ago that I was convinced that my GPA was a miracle from the Lord, and that he showed me how to …

My Dang GPA ~ Guest post by UCLA student

My Dang GPA (an excerpt from her original blog post) I used to think that I should praise God when good things happened, but now I am learning to praise God regardless of what’s happening at all. Throughout college…scratch that, throughout my whole academic life until this point, I have maintained good grades. As for the last two years in …

Communication with God

Communicating with God I don’t know about you, but one of the main reasons I didn’t consider myself Christian in the past was because I didn’t feel like I had a relationship with God, in my eyes no matter how many times I asked God to speak to me I heard nothing. I still struggle with it sometimes and wonder …